How far is too far?
How far is too far? When was the last time you had to prove a huge mathematical formula, maybe for one of your exams or assignments? While trying to prove it, did you ever give a thought to why you were proving something that has already been proved? Everybody would reply that it was for grades. When was the last time you were trying to prove a point to a friend or a colleague while having one of those feisty arguments? We often see in some of the Indian cinema, the main protagonist is challenged by the villain to prove that he loves the heroine and the hero turns out to risk his life to prove that he loves her. Ironically, the girl does fall for such a thing (wouldn't work in real life though, unless both of them are stupid enough to meet each other). Hello everyone. Thank you for coming back again and again and rolling in the views.Happy new year to everyone. By the way, what is it that I am trying to prove with my statements above? I will get to...