Differences Disclaimer: The differences mentioned in this post are just thoughts and intends no harm to any individual or group of individuals. Hello there. I know it has been more than 3 months since I wrote a post on this blog. I was on a holiday and now I am back to my regular schedule, hence, boredom got me thinking again. As kids, the only difference we knew (at least the only one I knew) was the subtraction in mathematics. Teacher used to ask to find the difference between numbers. That is when we understand, there are different numbers and no two numbers are the same and there is always a difference between two. Oh wait, weren't the numbers invented by ancient mathematicians who were none other than our ancestors? As we grew older, we started observing gender. There might be other differences as well, but I am referring to the significant ones. Let us get back to these differences later. What are these differences that we see in everyday life? Who created...