DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? Hello. I hope you found my previous review about one of my scale model interesting. I will update more reviews as and when I can get them in my hands on them and will include a plethora of photos. Coming back to this post, Karma! We all often come across this word. It is originated from the Sanskrit word Karman, which translates to 'duty'. But what does it actually mean? Karma : noun in Hinduism and Buddhism the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. So do you believe in this karma? Everything we are today and will be in the future is affected by the state we were in or are currently in. We don't give a second thought to it as we assume such is life and it simply goes on. Many a time, Karma is associated with the bad that happens in our lives. "Karma hits you back" is what we hear more often. Why is it that it is n...