I spend a lot!!
I Spend a Lot!! Hello to the people who take out their time to read my blog. Thank you btw for your time. I am happy that the contents of my blog have helped me out a bit. I am now encouraged to write more. Good thing, isn't it? Anyway, coming to this post. I spend a Lot!!!! People who know a little about me know that I spend on things that actually aren't necessary. Unnecessary stuff like? I am a gadget freak and spend a bit too much on electronic gadgets. I got myself an Xbox which requires a TV to play, so I got one as well. In the past year, I spent like crazy on electronics. I got a cozmo, about which I wrote in an earlier post on this blog. I got an artificial intelligence racing kit, that uses stuff and is like of a video game in reality. I got a few Bluetooth speakers as well and a projector. Which is completely unnecessary if you think about it. And the list goes on. I have many things that lie around that I do not use often. And then there ...