
Showing posts from February, 2019

Phase of My Writings

I usually don't update posts on my blog once in a week. Some thoughts strike randomly, at times once a month and times once a year. Hence the untimely posts. Insomnia is something everyone faces, I am, right now. Some thoughts flowing through my mind. Welcome back to my blog and thanks to my friends and family for constantly encouraging in these writings. Did it ever occur to you that what you are at this point of life is because of an instance in your life a few years back?  A small flashback into my own life, as a kid (or even a teenager), I never really liked poetic stuff, writings, meaningful greeting cards, blogs or even books. I considered the textbooks were the only ones you had to read, never even completed a single book that I used to take at the library. I used to read to fall asleep and never really caught the essence of the books. Harry Potter, for example, I started reading the books only after I watched the movie and only when everyone at school was so e...

Short Story

Formalities apart, I am trying to pitch in some new thoughts into my blog and came forward with a small story. Not really a love story, but I guess it happens with everyone. Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to drop in your thoughts or suggestions in the comments below. It was a cold and sunny January day. A usual day to work, wake up at 10 in the morning, get ready and rush towards the bus stop trying to be on time. It was like a routine day and as always, waiting at the stop with the headphones on (trying to avoid unnecessary contact with people #introverts). The bus raced down the road and came to halt at our stop. Like every day, the lookout for the window seat was on, because #privacy. The bus then proceeded to the next stop. The ____ mind always searches for a known face in the crowd or maybe it just searches for the beauty in people. All covered in the winter wear, a known face (vice versa was not applicable) boarded the bus and was looking around for a seat. She looked ...