Mirages : An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
This is the formal definition or meaning of the word as per the dictionaries. I have been particularly interested in this one phenomenon from the day I saw a documentary on "THE TITANIC". We know that the unsinkable ship built at that day, the most advanced ship of the time, now lies on the floor of the Atlantic ocean. It hit an iceberg. An iceberg which the spotters could not spot early enough to save the ship. What made them to miss such a gigantic thing in front of the ship? A MIRAGE. Yes, a mirage. It so happened that there was a current of cold water that was flowing towards the south. A temperature difference between the water and the air caused the mirage. Though the night seemed to be clear with many stars lighting up the sky, it was all an illusion created by the optics. Another interesting fact from the testimonies of the passengers who were alive, people did not want to leave the titanic and board the lifeboats. They believed that it can never sink, it was the greatest and unsinkable ship ever built.
Below is just an illustration of how a mirage in the sea occurs.

Okay. Why am I suddenly so interested in these mirages?
I was wondering about the fact that people are also like these Mirages. HOW?
What ever you feel, is defying. Your feelings are like the warm temperatures, feelings of others are like the cold temperatures. In other words, they are just an illusion. One day when you are walking on the deserted road of life, all these people may seem to be there for you, but it is just your mind that tricks you into thinking so.
You may believe that others are going to be good to you, you can trust people with your life, that they love you back, BUT, People who believed that the titanic was unsinkable were proven wrong. Many minds were tricked into believing it. In the end, it was all the illusions of the night.
Just for a funny example, every person in this world must have had a crush in their life ( If they say that they do not, then I guess they are lying :P). We expect our crush to have something for us, rather believe at times that they do have something for us. It is always the illusion. Many million dollars were spent to built the unsinkable ship, 3 years of hardwork, yet it had no chance to escape the illusions. What chance do we people have on the illusions that our mind and heart create? Only when you sink to the bottom of the ocean that you realize that you were living in a world full of illusions. What chance does your mind and heart have when they are stuck in such illusions of life?
I have been writing few quotes of my own lately, and would like to share one with you all on this topic :
You were like a mirage to me. Always defying the truth.
You seemed so close, yet there was no chance to reach you.
Was it a mistake of my mind? Yes it was.
But what a beautiful thing it was to see a Mirage so close.
I don't think I will be getting much of an audience for this post. But I atleast have the right to express my thoughts to the world. If a single person can laugh reading this, my mission for today is accomplished.
-Sushant Thotakura
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