

Hello again. Yes I guess when I write one post and I see the number of people who view my blog motivates me to write more. When someone reads your thoughts and leave a comment for it, you do feel that someone out there is feeling the same way as you are or maybe they just understand you. It is kind of a good feeling knowing that people take out some time to read your thoughts. 

Selfishness! What does this word mean?

Selfish :- Adj
(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

This is the meaning of the word selfish that you are going to find in the dictionary. OWN PERSONAL PROFIT OR PLEASURE. These are the key words to think about. What is one's personal profit or pleasure? Where does or in what does one find his/her personal profit or pleasure? 

"Selfishness is a trait every living organism inherits at it's inception"
 This is what I believe in. Each living organism has a trait of selfishness and this is true. Who isn't selfish in this world? Every human being is selfish. So is every other living thing. But let us just keep this to only humans for now.

Many of you must have watched the famous television series, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. In one of the episodes Joey challenges Phoebe to find a selfless help that she could do and she fails at it. Everything you do, you find happiness in it. That is selfishness. You see some kind of a gain in everything around you, don't you?

You eat to suffice your hunger. Isn't it in some way being selfish for your existence? But one can argue that these are the basic necessities and that is true. This isn't being selfish.

What is being selfish?
When you start giving importance to your happiness at the cost of others. This is the true meaning of selfish that should have been in the dictionary. Everyone in this world is concerned about their self and that is not a bad thing.

Be selfish for your peace of mind. Be selfish for your aim in life. Be selfish towards your passion. But never should these be compromised for some other persons feelings. We do not have the right to hurt some one nor get hurt by some one. I am selfish for my feelings. I am selfish for my passion. I am selfish for my love. Anyone can come and take away things from your life, money, people, material things, but no one can take away your memories or feelings or knowledge and I feel there is nothing wrong in being selfish about these things.

Signing off


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