Collectables! NOT TOYS

COLLECTABLES Hobby: A hobby is an activity, interest, enthusiasm, or pastime that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, typically done during one's own time . I like cars. And I collect them. Not the real cars. But models of them. Whenever I show the above picture to any person, their first reaction is " Nice TOY collection" . *sigh* I am writing this post to clear the misconception that people have on my so called TOYS. There is a huge difference between a toy and a collectable. A toy can become a collectable. But a collectable can not be a toy always. Let me explain why. TOY: A toy is an item that can be used for play . Toys are generally played with by children and pets. COLLECTABLE: A collectable ( collectible or collector's item ) is any object regarded as being of value or interest to a collector (not necessarily monetarily valuable or antique). These are th...