Some care for you?

Some care for you?

Hello everyone. Thank you once again for an overwhelming response to my last post. I am happy to say that it was the highest viewed post so far. I usually write something when I sit in front of my computer and rarely do I write while travelling except for one post I wrote almost a year ago. I am writing this one though while I’m flying. 

Flying maybe routine to many people. For me, it’s more of a marvel that the human mind has created. It is more than sitting for long hours to travel. While I board a flight I observe more than what many people see. A small thought struck my mind when I was looking around today in the flight. I was observing how much attention one pays to the safety instructions given at the start of the flight. It isn’t shocking to see that less than 10% of them pay attention to it. Not that I do not pay attention to it, I always do, I even read the safety card on every flight. How many of us do that every single time? If you have flown at least once in your life you do know that the blinds should be open at the time of take-off and landing. I feel pity seeing the educated class of people just shutting them down because of their discomfort. We have to be constantly reminded by the flight crew to make sure they are open. 

We take things for granted. That is one hell of an enemy to disaster. I watch a lot of documentaries on air crashes. There are thousands of people who lost their lives in air crashes. There are thousands of people who are trying to make flying safe. Even the Wright brothers, known to be the pioneers of powered flight, they were from Dayton, Ohio, tested their first flight many miles away in North Carolina. Guess why? Safety. Sand would harm them less if the flight crashed. This was a simple thing that they thought of. After all, the invention would be of no use if the people who invented it died trying to test it. So many people trying to keep us safe and we do not want to even bother listening to some instructions? 

It is not just about flying. I am a fan of Formula 1 racing. Motorsport in general. A few decades back, Motorsport was not something you would call going around in circles ( I get this from a lot of people even today). There were many legends who lost lives in crashes. Ayrton Senna, Jim Clark, considered to be the greatest drivers formula 1 has seen lost their lives in crashes. People knew it was a huge risk. But that did not stop their rush of adrenaline. But was Motorsport worth lives? Many drivers did question this. It took almost half a century and many souls to take it seriously. After the infamous crash of Ayrton Senna in May 1994, no one else succumbed to death till recently in 2015 with the crash of the young driver Jules Bianchi. One man, Dr.Sid Watkins, contributed most of his life to make this dangerous sport safe. In one of the interviews, he was in tears saying that he was like a father to all the drivers on the grid and he couldn’t see any more losses. 

Dr. Sid Watkins
img source: MotorAuthority

How many of us put on our seatbelts when driving? How many of us stick to the speed limits? How many of us take these small things for granted until we lose a soul that we care about? Why do we need someone to constantly remind us to follow rules for our own safety? In the end, it is our life that is at stake. Someone out there is trying and putting in a lot of effort to make sure you are safe. What does that someone has to do with you being on this planet? Somebody’s loss is the reason we are living in a much better place than before. 

I personally follow most of such safety instructions. Cause I do fear about my dear life and the ones that love me. Why don’t all of us think about it and start changing some of our habits towards life? I respect the people who make the technology safe for us. We actually pay traffic fines to make sure we are safe. Isn’t it hilarious to see that we are scared of paying money rather than being scared of something worse? 

These are just my views on something that concerns about human life.

-Sushant Thotakura
Image Source : GIPHY


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